Slow cd ripping with KAudioCreator

Ylan Segal ylan.segal at
Thu Aug 17 19:27:01 UTC 2006

Bry Melvin wrote:
> */Ylan Segal <ylan.segal at>/* wrote:
>     I have a laptop running Ubuntu/Kubuntu 6.06. I tried using KAudioCreator
>     to rip a cd yesterday to mp3. I have lame installed and the ripping was
>     done correctly, except that it was very, very slow. I am talking about
>     1X speed (~60 mins per cd).
>     I doubt it is a hardware problem because the same computer running
>     Windows XP 2 months ago could do the ripping in about 10 minutes.
>     Does anybody else see this behavior with KAudioCreator? Can you
>     recommend another cd ripper?
>     Thanks,
>     -- 
>     Ylan
> I have used this program severa l times and found a number of unusual
> behaviors,
> First I was using it on a networked setup and happened to have the
> "gateway" computer connect to a US National Labratory every time I
> started K Audio Creator and maintain the connection as long as the
> program is used. It turns out (from a whois and Phone call to them )
> that they Host several Linux repositories. It appears Kaudio creator is
> searching for udates.

That is certainly odd behavior.

> It also seems (according to the firewall data) to keep the connection to
> cddb persistently.

Why would it do that?

> Converting to mp3 seems to be slower than ogg or flac, but I did not get
> Lame from the Ubuntu repositories  rather from wherever the installation
> for Nerolinux sent me. Lame works about the same in either program.
> I do notice that the ripping function changes speed depending on the cd
> be it CDR cdrw or original music cd. I've been doing a lot of this
> lately as we have been putting all our music on an old 400 P2 dedicated
> to being a Jukebo x.

I tried only with original music cds.

> An alternative is the Rythm Box/ Sound Juicer combination, which is
> default with the nome desktop.

Googling around a bit, I also found that konqueror itself is capable of
doing the ripping, also using lame (it does everything, doesn't it?). I
am going to try that as soon as I get home to my kubuntu machine. I
guess if there is a speed improvement, I'll know that the problem is
actually KAudioCreator.

Another suggestion I found is to turn off error correction, but I am not
sure about that.

I'll report back with my findings.


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