Reasons ro choose Kubuntu over Knoppix?

Raphaël Pinson raphink at
Mon Aug 7 13:22:13 UTC 2006

Hi Max,

There is no possible comparison, since the aim is not the same: Knoppix is a
live CD, while Kubuntu is an installable distro.
It is possible to install Knoppix indeed, but it's its goal and it won't
work as smooth as Kubuntu when installed.

As of mp3 support and proprietary drivers, it's not hard to install them at
all, there are very good howtos on the wiki.

To sum it up: if you want to try Linux on your PC, Knoppix is great; if you
want to install it, use Kubuntu.


On 8/7/06, Max Q <maxq at> wrote:
> This is a genuine question, not flamebait. I'm looking to get back into
> Linux, and have narrowed my choices to either Kubuntu or Knoppix (being
> an irreformable KDE fan).
> I am very interested to hear of the advantages of Kubuntu over Knoppix.
> the Ubuntu family seems to be taking off at an astronomical rate, but
> the purity of commitment to FLOSS is a bit of a nuisance to those of us
> with mp3s we want to listen to while watching stuff courtesy of nVidia,
> na?
> So any practical suggestions on why Kubuntu would be a better bet than
> Knoppix would be greatly appreciated.
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Raphaël Pinson - raphink at
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