* Synchronizing clock to ntp.ubuntulinux.org... ??? [on breezy startup]

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Wed Aug 2 18:03:27 UTC 2006

On Saturday 29 July 2006 11:07, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>Hello, I have a multi-boot system. Which currently includes both breezy
>and dapper. I just noticed that during a breezy boot my hardware clock is
>being updated...
>So I looked around a bit and found the files:
>/etc/rcS.d/S50hwclock.sh alias:/etc/init.d/hwclock.sh
>Which give me a few ideas about the problem but not a solution...
>I do like the fact that the hardware clock is used to initialize the
>system clock. And it's great that the system time is then saved back into
>the hardware clock on shutdown... But I don't want either my hardware
>clock nor my system clock to be automatically updated by any external
> time server... (IE if my hardware clock was set 15 minutes fast when I
> boot, then I expect my system clock to remain 15 minutes fast until I
> manually change it. [I want my PC's time to be the same as my watch
> which {when I can find it} I keep synchronized to my employers
> clock...])
I'll concur with the other responders on this problem.  The clock that your 
system is being synchronized to is at worst a secondary standard, and 
quite probably within a millisecond of the atomic clocks at NIST.  If your 
employer insists on a 15 minute fast clock, then set a desk clock to his 
time, and give the rest of the planet some credit for the common sense 
your employer apparently doesn't have a lot of.

>Can anyone suggest a way to prevent kubuntu from messing with MY local
>time anymore???[breezy] And how to ensure that [dapper and higher] never

If it was a fedora core system, it would be as easy as "chkconfig ntpd off" 
followed by a "service ntpd stop".  End of problem, until you are so far 
off the mail servers reject you as spam or worse.

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>|      ?           ?
>|        -=-   -=-	 I'm NOT clueless...
>|        <?>   <?>    	But I just don't know.
>|            ^          Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
>|           ---  	     J(tWdy)P
>|			  <jtwdyp at ttlc.net>
>|      ?           ?

Cheers, Gene
People having trouble with vz bouncing email to me should add the word
'online' between the 'verizon', and the dot which bypasses vz's
stupid bounce rules.  I do use spamassassin too. :-)
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Copyright 2006 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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