[breezy] Aptitude broke amarok

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Wed Apr 26 00:13:07 UTC 2006

Michel D'HOOGE wrote:

>> On Monday 24 April 2006 17:22, Michel D'HOOGE wrote:
>> > You can also look into /var/cache/apt/archives where all downloaded
>> > packages are stored.
> BTW, there is also a bad side-effect to this: if you don't purge
> periodically the cache it will grow bigger and bigger... reminds me of
> windows ;-)

Nope.  It's just basic configuration options.  I can't seem to keep any
second copies of the cache, but at least I know where the options are :-):

In any file in /etc/apt/apt-conf.d/

APT::Periodic::AutocleanInterval 1;
APT::Archives::MaxAge 2;

In this case, it says run "apt-get clean" daily, and don't keep anything
more than two days old.  These lines came out of a backup (ie, ends with ~)
file, which I thought shouldn't be executed.  Tbe command that uses those
is executed from /etc/cron.daily/apt, which is part of the apt package.

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