ipod and kubuntu

John L Fjellstad john-ubuntu at fjellstad.org
Thu Apr 20 04:32:32 UTC 2006

jack wallen <jlwallen at monkeypantz.net> writes:

> i have no idea why amarok is not playing mp3s. well, it seems it's the
> engine.
> i checked out the RestrictedFormats wiki and did what it said - to no
> avail. in fact, after i did that - banshee no longer plays mp3s. argh!
> the only tool i have to play mp3s is xmms and that doesn't play well
> with ipods at all. drat.

Are you sure you have libxine-extracodecs installed?  
This command will show if it is installed
dpkg --list libxine\*

ii means it is installed. You can also use adept.

John L. Fjellstad
web: http://www.fjellstad.org/          Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

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