system:/home and Dapper

Christoph Wiesen chris at
Mon Apr 17 15:30:44 UTC 2006

Am Sonntag, 16. April 2006 11:01 schrieb Ian Rose:
> Currently running an updated flight 6 kubuntu, and after a recent set of
> kde upgrades, it looks like I have the dreaded system:/home bug again.
> On the System menu (next to the K-menu), the "Home  Folder" link no
> longer points to "/home/username", but instead points to "system:/home".
> This means that I get all sorts of error messages if I forget, and start
> navigating away from "system:/home" - problems with opening files with
> OOo, Gimp etc. I know there is a "fix" by modifying the .desktop files,
> but is there any way of forcing the behaviour back to normal. I have
> tried resetting the "home" folder location in Konqueror, but this makes
> no difference.
> I know on my Breezy install (using KDE 3.5.2) this problem eventually
> disappeared at some point (presumably after an update - I wasn't
> watching carefully!), so I suppose the question is also, is this a
> problem that would be fixed during a kde bugfix update before final
> Dapper release?
> --
> Ian Rose
Unfortunately I don't have the answer you're looking for - just wanted to add 
my own little complaints. If anyone is reading this, please look into these 
issues. system:/home really is a huge annoyance for several reasons (see some 
of them in my feedback mails at kubuntu-devel) and I have no idea what the 
KDE dev was thinking when this was implemented... I'm still searching for 
information about it's benefits; any information is welcome.



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