Kubuntu annoyances (check list)

Freddie Cash fcash-ml at sd73.bc.ca
Mon Apr 10 21:52:00 UTC 2006

On Sun, April 9, 2006 3:14 pm, James Gray wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Apr 2006 12:53 am, Gavin Dudley wrote: As for
> cut-and-paste...erm, highlight to copy, then middle-click to paste is
> so much faster and more consistent than that evil META-x/c/v (META
> key on US keyboards is usually "CTRL").  Now consider this; you're
> running a console application and want to copy something to paste
> into a document/e-mail/whatever, you highlight the text, then hit
> CTRL+C....ooops! You just terminated your shell program.

That's why you use an intelligent terminal emulator that let's you
highlight, right-click and select copy, then use either
right-click/paste or CTRL+v to paste.  You know, kind of like how
Konsole works.  :)

Highlighting something with a mouse in a GUI environment should do
nothing more than highlight the selection.  What you do with it after
it is highlighted should be separate from the act of highlighting.  
For instance, what if I just wanted to run a spell check on that
portion?  Or wanted to move it?  Or wanted to use it in a Find or
Replace dialog? There's nothing worse than doing "highlight+cut,
scroll down, highlight+paste" only to find that you pasted the last
selection you highlighted.

Fortunately, those who use KDE do not have to worry about this, as you
can configure Klipper to grab whatever you highlight and/or CTRL+c and
put it into the same clipboard area, and keep a copy of it around in
case you screw things up.  :)

One of these days, I'm going to find a way to completely disable the X
"clipboard" so that the environment works the way *I* want it to.
Since I only use KDE apps, that won't be a problem (won't affect any
apps).  ie:  select and copy are two separate actions.

> Personally, I've heard many n00bs complain about the cut-n-paste
> paradigm in Linux (X windows actually) and every time it's been a
> lack of understanding, not a deficiency in the system itself.  You
> can still use META-x/c/v AND you can use highlight+middle-click too.
> As has been stated by others later in this thread; there are TWO
> clipboard registers, and you need to stick with one method or the
> other (you can use both, as long as your brain is up to remembering
> which register is holding what).  When you start copying using
> highlight then paste using META+v you end up confused - you've copied
> into one register, but trying to paste from the other.

>> It bothers me immensely that Linux evangelists are either in denial
>> about the massive deficiencies in Linux, or otherwise are not
>> traditional desktop PC users.

> No - unlike "traditional" desktop users, most of _us_ have a clue ;)

Having a clue and being in denial are not mutually exclusive.  :)

Freddie Cash, LPCI-1 CCNT CCLP        Helpdesk / Network Support Tech.
School District 73                    (250) 377-HELP [377-4357]
fcash-ml at sd73.bc.ca

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