Kubuntu in a corp. environment (was: /etc/resolv.conf file issues)

James Gray james at grayonline.id.au
Wed Sep 28 23:40:17 UTC 2005

On Wed, 28 Sep 2005 22:55, Derek Broughton wrote:
> James Gray wrote:
> > On Wed, 28 Sep 2005 00:34, Steven Lewis wrote:
> >> All - the original post was a result of using my linux box in a corp.
> >> environment. up to the point my linux usage was as a freelance work or
> >> personal use. however i have started working in a very successful corp
> >> shop that relies heavily on linux.

> > Konqueror handles  NTLM authentication for me,
> Can you point me to a Howto?  I've never got Samba working in that
> direction (and it's not been enough of an issue to make me dig into it).

Ah - the magic that unlocks the NTLM door is in the cotrol panel.  Try this:
1. Open Control Panel
2. Open "Internet & Network -> Local Network Browsing"
3. Enter your normal windows (active directory) user name and password.
4. Click apply, close control panel.
5. I think you'll need to restart an Konqueror instances to take effect.

That's all I did :)  Keep in mind, if your company uses an Active Directory 
"domain" you'll need to prefix your user name (in #3) with it.  Assume your 
company's domain is "ABC" and your user name "barney" then you'd have to 
enter "ABC\barney" as your user name.

After that, KDE should be able to automagically browse around without 
prompting you for your password.  Not sure about "smb://" shares as I 
usually run around with an admin account, eg "smb://adminacc@windowsbox/".

Let me know if I can help further :)


Coitado do espermatozóide... Mora num ovo, o prédio é um saco, o vizinho 
trás fede pra caramba, o vizinho de cima é um pentelho, e o síndico, 
tá duro, põe ele pra fora!
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