Autostart a WLAN Card

Derek Broughton news at
Fri Sep 16 12:43:26 UTC 2005

Brad De Vries wrote:

> Hey all, I have Kubuntu 5.04 on an IBM ThinkPad with a PCMCIA Proxim
> wireless NIC (uses Atheros chipset.)  Is there anything that will
> allow ath0 initialize automatically during boot?  I'm hoping for
> something that would scan for available networks, attempt to connect
> to each one until either it's successful or it runs out of available
> networks.
> KWiFiManager is setup but it doesn't seem to auto-connect as expected.

I'm upset about that.  I understand that there are security issues with just
connecting to an external system, but it makes no sense at all that
KWiFiManager would fail to connect to some network authorized by root.

>  Even after the system boots and I login, there is no wifi connection
> available.  I have to either go into the configuration editor and
> click "Activate" or enable it manually before it works.

whereami is working for me ... sometimes.

I still haven't debugged why it doesn't always finish with the "ifup
eth1=home" command, but I suspect that it's only because I'm running a
1000' link to the router in the next building, from a laptop with no
external antenna, and it just doesn't see the router long enough for the
DHCP dialog to work.

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