kweather configuration help

Scott angrykeyboarder at
Mon Oct 31 06:32:41 UTC 2005

On 10/28/2005 09:13 AM, Eric B wrote:

> Forgive and ignore last message, left it un-subjected by mistake,
> realized just after I clicked on send.
> Before I start, please forgive odd formatting... not sure how to quote
> HTML in Eudora. I'm using my windows machine to send this.
> I wanted to take a look at kweather. So I did some configuration and
> playing around.
> First off I wanted to know what a METAR was and what the codes were:
> The following is quoted from:
>> METAR stands for Meteorological Airport Report. METARs are a letter
>> indicating region and then three letters indicating location as
>> assigned by the International Civil Aviation Organization
>> http://www.icao.intl . Some of the more common regions are
>> CXXX- Canada
>> EXXX- Northern Europe
>> KXXX- United States
>> A list of worldwide METARs with such information as longitude,
>> latitude, elevation, etc.... can be found
>> and
>> For much more information about METARs Federal Meteorological
>> Handbook
> I Checked out the sites listed and discovered that kweather wants the
> ICAO 4 character ID (3rd column) as the argument.
> In other words, to get data from Los Angeles international, you use
> the command: kweather klax
> Interestingly enough, it seems like many of my local, Indiana, USA
> METARs are "broken". They are reporting that they "need maintenance."
> I plan on doing more research on this.
> I hope this information helps some folks out there trying to use
> kweather.
> Eric
I've had this problem previously. Kweather is a tad buggy but with a
little convincing those stations that "need maintenance" can be made to
work. It just took some toying around with the settings.

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