Connection speed

Merv Curley mcurley at
Fri Oct 28 03:32:08 UTC 2005

On Wednesday 26 October 2005 11:43, federico wrote:

> the main problem is my link is only 64kbps :-( sigh.
> For the last week apt-get has been telling me that
> in 1d 24h xxx it will finish :-) lol
> It will finish one day or another.
> f
I have high speed DSL but I have had transfers start and hang around 
20 kbps and lower until I stop them and look for another mirror.

However I started back in the good old days when our maximum was 300 
baud modems.   It took minutes to get a few messages from Compuserve 
and Delphi.  When 33 kbps was reached I didn't think it could get any 
better.  At 300 baud we were limited to basic files of a kb or so, 
and the cost of this exotic service was per minute and therefore much 
higher per month than I pay now.


Merv Curley
Toronto, Ont.Can

Linux    Kubuntu 5.0.4
KDE    v. 3.4.2
Kontact  v. 1.1.2

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