Konqueror failing to load webpages
Merv Curley
mcurley at eol.ca
Wed Oct 26 01:20:29 UTC 2005
On Friday 21 October 2005 09:04, Brad De Vries wrote:
> Thanks Merv, but I hardwire connect to my router via eth0 and it
> still doesn't work. I could literally have both firefox and konq
> running side-by-side, firefox will work and konq will not.
> As for the proxy settings, I've checked kcontrol to verify that
> it's not setup but am willing to check elsewhere if you can give me
> an idea where.
I have 4 computers on my lan with a switch[hub] tied into an old
computer with a Coyote firewall. So we are somewhat similar. I am
quite sure that Konq. works in Breezy as it has for me in the past
year on SuSE10. Mepis 33, pclinuxos, Mandriva 2006 and Hoary.
Your problem is just like a lot of mine, things that only happen to
me. I assume that Konq is ok as a file manager. Have you had this
problem with any other distro? I don't have any hints to help you
with config items.
Were you able to log onto your router, or get a response from it? I
can config my firewall with a browser, and I have config'd DLink
routers remotely also.
No other responses would indicate that your problem is rather unique
to users here.
You could try Opera and see if it is problem free or perhaps try
non-GUI browser like w3m to see if you can get on the net using it. I
don't think it is Konq, but maybe a reinstall?
Merv Curley
Toronto, Ont.Can
Linux Kubuntu 5.0.4
KDE v. 3.4.2
Kontact v. 1.1.2
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