[kubuntu-users] Re: [kubuntu-users] katapult doesn't find half of my apps

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.nl
Sat Oct 22 12:31:36 UTC 2005

On Saturday 22 October 2005 14:11, Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 22, 2005 at 02:08:23PM +0200, Sebastian K?gler wrote:
> > > Yes, it uses the XDG menu for find applications.  That makes it much
> > > more user friendly in my opinion.  Dropping back to command line would
> > > be one possibility but if its a command line problem you may as well
> > > just run it from a command line, GUI programs should have XDG menu
> > > entries I'd say.
> >
> > Yeah, but the reality is that not every GUI program has a XDG entry yet
> > (try xterm in kubuntu, for example).
> Something wrong with konsole? :)

Hello no! ;-)

The problem is that sometimes I'd like to pass arguments to programs, often in 
the form of aliases or short scriptlets in /usr/local/bin), which is not 
possible using katapult, it seems. (And I use eterm as my IRC shell which I'd 
like to have separated from my normal shells.)

Put shortly, I'd love to replace [alt]+F2 by katapult, but it's just not 
there, feature-wise yet.

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You can have my Unix system when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers. - Cal 

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