Some remarks about Kubuntu 5.10

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Wed Oct 19 18:14:28 UTC 2005

Scott wrote:

> Art Alexion wrote:
>>Scott wrote:
>>>  the boot screen only pops up then I see the usual list of text
>>>saying [ok], is the boot screen suppose to only last a couple seconds
>>>or is there something wrong with my computer?
>>The delay is configured in /boot/grub/menu.lst.  But you only need it if
>>you have a dual boot or multi-kernel setup.
> You must have misunderstood me.  I did not mean the grub screen where
> all the different OS's are listed, but the screen after that.  The one
> with a nice graphic saying KUbuntu and a progress bar underneath
> that.  It pops up for a few seconds then disappears.  I was just
> wondering if it was not fully implemented right or if my computer had
> a problem.

Sorry.  I thought you meant the grub menu.


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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