Introduce myself

Scott angrykeyboarder at
Mon Oct 17 08:05:14 UTC 2005

Daniel L wrote:

>Hello fellow Kubuntu users.
>Over the last week, I've been testing the Kubuntu distro.  Well, I've
>been testing a few others to replace my Fedora Core main.  Kubuntu has
>been the ultimate OS.  I started with Hoary.  Spent the day yesterday
>doing an update to Breezy and it was not only flawless but painless.
>So, I wanted to say hello to the community.  Now, I just need to find
>out who to talk to for requests in the repos.
Welcome. I used to run Fedora myself.  I actually liked it, but I like 
K/Ubuntu better.  For one thing,  I've found their repository has more 
packages (at least compared to what Fedora had a year ago).  There is 
still the multimedia problem, but ya get what ya pay for, right? ;-)

Anyway, as far as package requests check out:

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