Trashcan behavior seems odd

L. Boggio L.Boggio.KUbuntu at
Wed Nov 9 17:54:33 UTC 2005

Le 09/11/05, Ignazio Palmisano a dit :

> Hi all,
> I'm a Linux newbie (and Kubuntu newbie too). I installed 5.10 a couple 
> of weeks ago and started installing lots of things I needed, such as 
> Eclipse and other nice little programs of about 100 MB each. Not 
> surprisingly, the space on my root partition ran quite low (I installed 
> Kubuntu in a 5 GB partition), so I moved programs up and down my partitions.
> The problem is, I found a folder:
> /home/ignazio/.local/share/Trash/files
> that seems to be the folder in which the trashed files go until you 
> erase them for good. To my surprise, there were about 1.5 GB files in 
> there, resisting my efforts to empty the basket, and all of them were 
> files I deleted hours ago.
> Is this expected behavior, or maybe did I manage to put some switch wrong?
> Thank you very much for your answers, and please excuse the naivete :-)
> Ignazio

I just had a look to this folder, and found similar than you.

By default, in my task bar, I've got a Trash can (Make it
appear with Right-click/Add/Applet/Trash (approx. translation, I've got
French KUbuntu).
I clicked on this icon, selected "Empty trash", and the folder went

In case this doesn't succeed, have a look to files and folder
permissions in this folder.


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