KDE Konqueror - AdBlock Howto

David M. Carney carney1979 at gmail.com
Sat May 21 21:28:34 UTC 2005

I originally posted this to the Ubuntu-User's list. Someone there suggested I 
post it on the Kbuntu-User's list. I didn't even know there was a 
Kbuntu-User's list until then ;-)

Here goes:

If you like Konqueror, but don't like to see ads on the web pages you visit, 
try this.
 1. Create a text file by cutting and pasting the text from the 2nd link 
 (Mozilla link; see below). Place it somewhere in your home directory.
 2. Open Konqueror and go to: Settings >> Configure Konqueror >> Stylesheets. 
 Click on the General tab and then select "Use user-defined stylesheet". Click 
 on the little folder button and select the file you created from step 1 
Restart Konqueror and most/all the ads should be blocked.
Thanks to the following web sites:

Registered Linux User #297958

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