[kubuntu-users] Re: KDE 3.4.1 (was Kopete not connecting...)

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Fri May 20 18:16:47 UTC 2005

On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 12:57:36PM +0200, Sebastian K??gler wrote:
> Hm, that's bad. This "bug" renders kopete near to unusable for many people (I 
> don't regard using Jabber as  a gateway as a serieus option though. It's far 
> from intuitive and requires adding another service to the game.

I've uploaded an updated package, but unfortunatly it won't complile
until after the c++ transition probably next week.

You can get it in the mean time from this apt source:

deb http://dev.kubuntu.org.uk/~jr/kubuntu/kdenetwork/ ./

Jonathan Riddell

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