kde network

Sander van Loon svloon at xs4all.nl
Fri May 20 08:09:20 UTC 2005

In a terminal, type:

kdesu kcontrol

And give your password. The kdesu approach works for other applications as 

BTW, it's quite easy to set up home networks in KDE. I have a dual boot with 
Windows XP. In Windows XP I had already set up a network with another WXP PC 
in my house. When I installed Kubuntu it detected automatically that I 
already had set up a Windows network, and I could browse shared dirs on the 
other PC immediatly. Adding a printer connected to that other Windows XP PC 
for use in Kubuntu also was quite easy in Kubuntu, I didn't need to edit any 
scary configuration files :) . Ok, maybe this rant isn't very useful for you, 
but I just wanted to say that I'm happy with KDE because of this convenience.

On Friday 20 May 2005 05:02, Sara Vasquez wrote:
> Hey:
> I am trying to set up a home netwrok, when I try to configure samba i go
> to control center--> Internet and netwrok--> Samba
> I try to go into administrator mode. I type my pasword, but it doesn't
> let me chang eany of the settings. I am just wondering how i can acces
> the control center with root priviledges. Once again thanks for al your
> help i really aprecited it

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