
Jason Straight jason at jeetkunedomaster.net
Sun May 15 11:28:32 UTC 2005

On Thursday 12 May 2005 03:42, Donatas G. wrote:
> 2005 m. Gegužės 12 d., Ketvirtadienis 09:12, Ian Rose rašė:
> > This will install the replacement kaffeine package. However, you should
> > make sure that YOU are happy trusting the provider of the package, and
> > that it isn't going to damage your installation. I read the reports on
> > the forum, and felt bold enough to take the chance, as the original
> > kaffeine package would hang, using 100% CPU if I tried to quit it. This
> > updated version seems to have fixed this problem for me.
> I installed it as well, and it seems to work much better than the default
> ubuntu package.

Yeah, so why can't this be included in updates for kubuntu?

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