Intel 845

Tristan tristan at
Wed May 11 20:12:49 UTC 2005

Kłaniam się, 
 w odpowiedzi na pismo z dnia: sobota, 30 kwietnia 2005 00:12 
 wysłane na adres: kubuntu-users at 
 podpisane: Bill Christiansen <bill.christiansen at> 

> On Sat, 30 Apr 2005 10:02, Tristan wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've installed kubuntu on pc with Intel 845 and now 640x480 is the best
> > what I can set :( There is only this resolution in options. Is it
> > possible to use kubuntu on this hardware?
> run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver xorg in a terminal. Just press enter to
> OK the current settings until you get to the monitor settings. You can
> reconfigure driver, refresh rates, resolution and color depth. After that
> do a ctrl + alt + bksp to restart the xserver.

I've tried, but there is stil only 640x480 :(

 Tristan (Przemysław Adam Śmiejek)   		 Silesian Linux User Group
 tel.: (48) 601-835-262	; GG: 650579	44-178 Przyszowice; Makoszowska 21
 Jabber: tristan at

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