Intel 845

Jonathan Byrne jbyrne at
Mon May 2 23:06:45 UTC 2005

On Friday 29 April 2005 15:02, Tristan wrote:

> I've installed kubuntu on pc with Intel 845 and now 640x480 is the
> best what I can set :( There is only this resolution in options. Is
> it possible to use kubuntu on this hardware?

I have a Dell Optiplex SX280 with an Intel chipset and have this in my 

Section "Device"
        Identifier      "i915"
        Driver          "i810"
        BusID           "PCI:0:2:0"
        VideoRam        32768
        Option          "UseFBDev"              "true"

You may need to manually set the amount of memory to get X to recognize 

Also, check your BIOS settings. On this (and my previous workstation, an 
Optiplex SX260) it was necessary to go into the BIOS and change the 
video RAM setting from 1 meg to 8 meg.  The Windows drivers don't need 
this (I got 1280 x 1024  X 32 bit) in XP even with the BIOS reporting 1 
meg of video RAM.


Jonathan Byrne <jbyrne at>
Manager, Spam Analysis
FrontBridge Technologies, Inc. <>

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