USB flash drive

Jochen Skulj jochen at
Thu May 5 12:05:44 UTC 2005

> >On Thu, 5 May 2005 05:23 am, sara vasquez wrote:
> >>Ok so I am back to kubuntu after trying gnome and xfce but now whe I
> >>plug my usb flash drive I don't get it to automatically go to the
> >>desktop how do I get it back that was one of the things i loved about
> >>kubuntu.
> So I am able to go to konqueror and acess my flash i just don't get it
> automatically on my my system finds my flash-drive is just
> the automatic desktop placement that i don't have

Have you checked your settings in the KDE Control Center? If you choose 
'Desktp' => 'Behavior' and open the tab 'Device Icons' you are able to 
configure which device should automatically appear on your desktop. Maybe 
these settings were messed up by some upgrades problems. (I remember having 
similar problems because of a failed upgrade of kdelibs-data, something like 

Jochen Skulj
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