USB flash drive

Peter Shillan peter.shillan at
Thu May 5 07:54:59 UTC 2005

Hi Sara,

Hope you are well - you are still very nice and polite!  :-)

On 5/5/05, sara vasquez <sarava at> wrote:
> So I am able to go to konqueror and acess my flash i just don't get it
> automatically on my my system finds my flash-drive is just
> the automatic desktop placement that i don't have

I looked at this a long time ago, so things might have moved on, but...

This probably has to do with the modules you have loaded.  I had to
add a couple of modules to /etc/modules.  Unfortunately, I am at work
and don't have my Kubuntu PC handy but I think the modules were:


If you try a:

sudo modprobe <MODULE_NAME>

you should find them (I think).  You should then add them to
/etc/modules and either reboot or try restarting the hotplug system:

sudo /etc/init.d/hotplug restart

with the USB drive *UNPLUGGED*.  When you plug it in, you click the
Konqueror icon on the panel, browse the 'Storage Media' group and it
should be there.  Ubuntu popped an icon on the desktop but Kubuntu
doesn't do that.  You must browse to the device instead.

Be aware that if you want to unplug the device later, you should
'stop' it first.  This can be done through Konqueror by right-clicking
the device under 'Storage Media' and using the menu option.

If you are still having problems:

- unplug the device
- plug the device back in
- run the command:  dmesg | tail
- send the output of dmesg | tail

This will let us see what your system is trying to do when the device
is plugged in.

Best regards,


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