How to install a .deb package

Frode M. Døving frode at
Sun Jun 26 11:56:26 UTC 2005

Søndag 26 juni 2005 12:44, skrev Hendrik Pater:
> No Updates
> hendrik at ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get update
> Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig
> hendrik at ubuntu:~$
> See above...the console.
> It says..Packages will be read... Finished.
> That was all :(

Looks like your /etc/apt/sources.list file might be empty.

You should check that.

If it is empty, i have posted a example sources.list at

Universe and Multiverse is enabled, plus Koffice and KDE 3.4.1 from

If you would like to disable some of the repositories edit the file and put a 
# infront of the one you would like to disable.

- Frode
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