Problem with XMMS

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Thu Jun 23 17:42:21 UTC 2005

On Thursday 23 June 2005 18:47, denis wrote:
> Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> >On Thursday 23 June 2005 18:19, denis wrote:
> >>Hi all guys. I'm new at Linux although i already know some basic
> >>things...
> >>
> >>I've had a problem with XMMS using Kubuntu 5.04
> >>
> >>I downloaded the official repository version and installed it. It
> >>worked for a while. Then it suddenly stopped working. Now, when i
> >> try to execute it i get the following error:
> >>
> >>/home/denis/.kde/share/config/gtkrc:38: error: unexpected
> >> identifier `gtk-alternative-button-order', expected keyword - e.g.
> >> `style' /home/denis/.kde/share/config/gtkrc:38: error: unexpected
> >> identifier `gtk-alternative-button-order', expected keyword - e.g.
> >> `style'
> >>
> >>I've tried commenting the line of the file that gives the error,
> >> but then i just get a segfault error.
> >>I've also tried uninstalling it completely, removing the related
> >>directory (~/.xmms) and reinstalling it but it won't work (so i
> >>suppose it's not a config problem or xmms itself problem but
> >> another package problem...)
> >
> >You might want to try moving /home/denis/.kde/share/config/gtkrc out
> > of the way (keep a backup, you never know) and restart xmms. Don't
> > know where the error comes from, but just removing the file
> > shouldn't do too much harm.

> Thx. I've tried it (as I said i had tried to comment the line which
> got the error getting just a segfault) but i still get the segfault.
> The XMMS looks to appear during a ms and dissappear again.

For clarification, did you remove the file, or only the line mentioned 
in the error message?

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of body is better.  - Foolish Dictionary

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