[kubuntu-users] where is KDE 3.4.1 for amd64????

Scido domi_mailing-list at yahoo.it
Wed Jun 22 13:37:54 UTC 2005

Alle 15:19, mercoledì 22 giugno 2005, Jonathan Riddell ha scritto:
> I'm afraid I don't have access to an amd64 machine to compile them on.
> Jonathan Riddell

If you want me and, maybe, Peter can compile everything and upload them on 
kubuntu server. I'm not a programmer, so just tell me how I have to do. I'm 
able to compile programs (configure, make, make install), using debian-way 
too (i.e. dpkg-buildpackage). If downloading source from ftp and compiling 
using the debian-way is enough, I can do it.
other problem is the uploading: I don't know how to create a repository (I've 
got a ftp server).

Many thanks for your speedy answer.

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                                Linus Torvalds
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