[kubuntu-users] where is KDE 3.4.1 for amd64????

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Wed Jun 22 13:19:04 UTC 2005

On Wed, Jun 22, 2005 at 03:00:44PM +0200, Scido wrote:
> Maybe I'll be annoying you, but I really don't understand why, after a mounth, 
> there isn't the kde 3.4.1 packages for amd64 arch. Now It's out koffice1.4, 
> will it be the same? Is there any problem? doesn't they compile on amd64 PCs?
> Please tell us how much time you need, if you need help or other...

I'm afraid I don't have access to an amd64 machine to compile them on.

Jonathan Riddell

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