[kubuntu-users] KOffice 1.4 - Kubuntu Packages available

Greg Taylor gtaylor at CLEMSON.EDU
Tue Jun 21 19:40:03 UTC 2005

Touchy subject. I myself have used OpenOffice extensively for as long as
I can remember. Despite it being slow and somewhat ugly, it's a rock
solid product.

Given that I haven't played with KOffice in a very long time nor have I seen
1.4 (due to some MD5sum errors with our local mirror), I'd be hesitant
to see OpenOffice replaced. Especially if we can get it to compile under
gcc4 like Fedora.

On Tuesday 21 June 2005 3:34 pm, Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 21, 2005 at 09:05:44PM +0200, Christoph Wiesen wrote:
> > http://www.kubuntu.org/hoary-koffice-14.php
> We also have an installable Live CD listed at the URL above.
> The question is whether KOffice 1.4 is good enough for breezy.  Some
> parts will probably get in such as Krita since it has no equivalent
> but should the rest replace OpenOffice?
> KOffice is faster and more integrated, plus it compiles on amd64 but
> will Kubuntu be considered a serious distribution without OpenOffice?
> All opinions welcome.
> Jonathan Riddell
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