Getting KDE 3.4.1 - a few questions

Peter Barnes pjb at
Thu Jun 16 18:58:53 UTC 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: malandante <malandante at> 
To: "Peter Barnes" <pjb at>, 
kubuntu-users at 
Subject: Re: Getting KDE 3.4.1 - a few questions 
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 22:15:04 +0200 
> 2005/6/15, Peter Barnes <pjb at>: 
> > After being away from Kubuntu for a few weeks I came 
back and saw the advice: 
> > KDE 3.4.1 packages are available for hoary from this 
deb source  
> > (edit /etc/apt/sources.list) 
> > deb 
hoary-updates main 
> > 
> > As someone who knows little about Linux, let alone 
Kubuntu, can  
> > you tell me exactly what I should do? I know how to add 
a line to  
> > the sources.list file but do I add only this line, and 
do I  
> > delete anything already there? 
> > 
> > And then having added the line, what comes next to get 
KDE 3.4.1?  
> > Is it simply apt-get upgrade (update?), or do I need a 
> > file name? 
> > 
> > (Related to this, I looked at the excellent KUDOS 
> > Kubuntu FAQ and saw the recommended general changes to 
> > sources.list file - should I be doing this first?) 
> > 
> > Sorry for so many questions at once! 
> > Peter 
> > 
> > -- 
> > kubuntu-users mailing list 
> > kubuntu-users at 
> > 
> > 
> sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade 
> will do the work 
> Why apt-get update? because you've got to refresh the 
package cache to 
> let apt-get know what is new in order to 
upgrade/dist-upgrade it. 
> As people usually tell to newbies, do a 
> man apt-get 
> and you will find the answer to it 
> recomendation: always 
> man whatever 
> before asking, not to avoid bothering people (you will 
see that 
> there's always someone who doesn't like newbies 
questions), but 
> because it's the best way to learn. 
> Greetings 
> malandante 
Thanks for the (part) answer. 
I agree with your comments about learning, and know how to 
access the man pages on a Linux PC - but where do I find 
them on the Web when working from a Windows PC? Like many 
other people, I am having to learn about Linux while 
running a business and working in Windows. I often have no 
access to my Linux PC but still need to learn about Linux.  

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