
Donatas G. ziogelis77 at
Mon Jun 13 07:18:40 UTC 2005

2005 m. Birželio 13 d., Pirmadienis 02:07, Efwkub at rašė:

> With regret I have decided that I do not have enough time to use Linux.
> Unfortunately I have had too many problems, bugs, inconsistencies, etc.
> etc. 

Interesting... Kubuntu is the first linux system (after Mandrake and Debian 
Sarge) that ever seems to be working close to perfect for me. 

On the other hand, if I calculated the time investment, it might have been 
cheeper for me to run MS Windows. Of course, I could have saved on time if I 
were to follow an old saying: „don't fix what is not broken“. However, now I 
just have my experience.

Anyway, gool luck to you with Windows. And, if you ever find a friend with 
Linux experience, - ask him if he could help you to give Linux another try. 
Unless you have a completely unsupported hardware, you might succeed with 
some help.

Donatas Glodenis

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