new linux-image: why?

trygvebw trygvebw at
Sun Jun 12 17:02:38 UTC 2005

Now, what about the next question - about optimizing my kernel (if I get it
right)? Is it worthwhile to change from 386 to k7 kernel, if I have AMD
Athlon 1800+ XP processor?

No, the K7 kernel is for older AMD processors. You should use the 686 


On 6/12/05, Donatas G. <ziogelis77 at> wrote:
> 2005 m. Birželio 12 d., Sekmadienis 18:29, Christian Mager rašė:
> > > Another question: I have a system with AMD Athlon 1800+ XP processor. 
> So
> > > perhaps I should change my kernel to another one:
> > >
> > > linux-image-2.6.10-5-k7
> > > or maybe
> > > linux-image-2.6.11-5-k7 ?
> > >
> > > Do I have chances on optimizing and speeding up my system?
> >
> > hi, perhaps this link can help you:
> >
> >
> OK, got it. In short, it is a security update of Linux kernel.
> Now, what about the next question - about optimizing my kernel (if I get 
> it
> right)? Is it worthwhile to change from 386 to k7 kernel, if I have AMD
> Athlon 1800+ XP processor?
> --
> Donatas Glodenis
> --
> kubuntu-users mailing list
> kubuntu-users at
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