Kicker baloons black-on-black? (SOLVED - sorta)

paul cooke paul.cooke100 at
Fri Jun 3 05:27:03 UTC 2005

On Friday 03 June 2005 04:34, James Gray wrote:
> On Fri, 3 Jun 2005 01:16 pm, James Gray wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > Quick question.  Since installing the Baghira KDE Theme/Style, the kicker
> > balloons have gone to black-on-black which means the text is only visible
> > by virtue of the shadow.  It looks awful :(
> > See it here:
> >
> > The balloons were kinda cute to start with then became a little
> > distracting, but now with this I'd rather just switch them off (is that
> > even possible?). Failing that, does anyone know how to fix it?
> Don't you hate it when you post a question then find the solution a few
> minutes later totally by accident?
> To turn off the balloony-thingys on kicker:
> 1. Right-click on kicker and select "Panel Menu -> Configure Panel..."
> 2. Select the "Appearance" tab
> 3. Deselect the "Enable icon mouseover effects"
> 4. Apply+OK.  Done.
> No more balloony-thingys :)

ah, but that's not the solution... that's just a workaround... it doesn't fix 
the fact that the balloony things are still black on black...

the solution is to either fix the Baghira theme yourself and pass the patch to 
the author of it, or else send a bug report to him/her...

> James

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