Many questions - part 3

Derek Broughton news at
Thu Jul 28 17:00:58 UTC 2005

Curtis Vaughan wrote:

> Derek Broughton wrote:

>> This was one of my biggest gripes about Kubuntu - I haven't seen it
>> recently.  If it didn't show up, it's because the .desktop file
>> _specifically_ says it's not to be shown.  So if you have package "x",
>> look for /usr/share/applications/kde/x.desktop, or something similar, and
>> comment out the line:
>>         NoDisplay=true
>> And then file a bug report :-)
> Well, I've tried to find the parameter you are referring to in various
> files in various locations, but no luck.
> Could you maybe be specify what file this parameter needs to be changed?

It would be more helpful if _you_ specified what package you're having a
problem with - then we'd know what file it would have to be. :-)

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