Many questions - part 3

Curtis Vaughan curtis at
Thu Jul 28 05:14:07 UTC 2005

Derek Broughton wrote:
> Curtis Vaughan wrote:
>>As concerns the clock issue. I can just click on the type of clock and
>>get it to appear. But it's strange still that nothing appears when I
>>just go to local time after choosing another time zone.
>>Anyhow. My 3rd question is this. I have tried editing the Kmenu. As I
>>recall using plain Debian, if I add a program using apt-get or dselect,
>>the program would appear in my Kmenu. Not so in Kubuntu. Fine. So I went
>>to edit Kmenu and added what programs I wanted in there. But they don't
>>appear. And then when I reopen the editor there not there either. What
>>gives here?
> This was one of my biggest gripes about Kubuntu - I haven't seen it
> recently.  If it didn't show up, it's because the .desktop file
> _specifically_ says it's not to be shown.  So if you have package "x", look
> for /usr/share/applications/kde/x.desktop, or something similar, and
> comment out the line:
>         NoDisplay=true
> And then file a bug report :-)

Well, I've tried to find the parameter you are referring to in various 
files in various locations, but no luck.

Could you maybe be specify what file this parameter needs to be changed?


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