"Administrator mode" not working...

Hsuan-Yeh Chang hsuanyeh at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 14:01:17 UTC 2005

>2005 m. liepa 21 d., ketvirtadienis 06:29, Hsuan-Yeh Chang raðë:
>> I need to use the control center to configure my "network settings."  But
>> the "root password" window do not accept any of my (correct) password... 
>> Can anyone help?

Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 07:43:04 +0300
From: "Donatas G." <dgvirtual at akl.lt>
Subject: Re: "Administrator mode" not working...

> I have a similar problem: when in KDE control center I push the button 
> "Administrator mode", nothing happens. I am using kde 3.4.1 on Kubuntu. Any 
> ideas, why it is so?
> If that has any importance - I have not enabled the root account. Both sudo 
> and kdesu give me root rights when needed.

The password authorization also doesn't work for Kynaptic.  The error message 
is:  "There was an error setting up inter-process communications for KDE.  
The message returned by the system was: Authentication Rejected, reason: None 
of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host based aut
Please check that the 'dcopserver' program is running!"

Can anyone tell me what does this mean?  What is 'dcopserver'?  And how to run 



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