SpeedCrunch: nice, but about the invocation and docs??
jtwdyp at ttlc.net
Sun Dec 25 16:48:30 UTC 2005
Hash: SHA1
SpeedCrunch: nice, but about the invocation and docs??
I do have occasional use for a desktop calculator. My first inclination
is to see if I can find the $15usd scientific calculator that should be,
but almost never actually is, on my desk...
I don't usually need a scientific but I like to be able to see and edit
the whole "equation". Or modify one of the terms in a previous equation.
Which is something I never could get kcalc to do. But since my real
calculator is again among the missing I typed $ kcalc & in the konsole
window I was using on this kubuntu 5.10 system. Since kubuntu IS the kde
version I was surprised to see "bash: kcalc: command not found".
So I poked around the menu system until I found the entry labeled:
"Calculator (SpeedCrunch)" which turned out to be a very keyboard
oriented calculator that quickly impressed me so much I doubt I'll ever
want to settle for kcalc again.
But knowing that I'm much more likely to fire up an familiar kde tool
from the bash prompt in a konsole window than to bother with the menu
system or even the "run prompt" I made a note of the "(SpeedCrunch)"
portion which I thought was supposed to be the executable name.
yet the next time I wanted it:
$ speedcrunch
bash: speedcrunch: command not found
$ SpeedCrunch
bash: SpeedCrunch: command not found
A quick look at the menu system confirmed the "(SpeedCrunch)" part, so
in desperation I tried "Alt-f2 SpeedCrunch" And almost didn't hit enter
because the little icon didn't change to even the generic executable
icon. Fortunately I hit enter anyway. And, from the run prompt, it
worked. As did "Alt-f2 speedcrunch" all I could find in help was a
pointer to the man pages which didn't tell me much more than the
alternate name "crunch" which DID work from the bash prompt, and did
change the icon in the run prompt box. (If the real executable is
"/usr/bin/crunch" shouldn't the menu system render the entry
"Calculator (SpeedCrunch)" as "Calculator (crunch)" ????
Since there wasn't much info on how to use crunch in the man page. Nor
did I find much on it's actual use when I did a google search for it.
Though I did learn where it's config file was. Though I don't see any
thing in there to indicate a way to save it's window size so that I
won't need to resize the durned thing every time I call it.
I don't want full screen, But I'd like it to default to about three
times it's window width so that fairly long equations display without
scrolling. Anybody got a hint on that?
As far as the actual use goes though, I guess I'll just have to remember
the correct longhand mathematical syntax for the assorted functions I
expect to use it for. (wonder what I did with the old textbooks
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