Battery Applet
Jamon Camisso
jamon.camisso at
Tue Dec 20 21:07:41 UTC 2005
James Gray wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Dec 2005 05:11, John DeCarlo wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I installed Ubuntu Breezy, then recently installed KDE (kde, kdebase,
>> some others). I made kdm the default, so now I get Kubuntu logos and
>> such.
>> But I can't find any way to get an applet to show my battery status.
>> I figure I must have to install something else, but I have kdeutils and
>> klaptopdaemon installed (only results of a search on KDE and battery).
>> All hints accepted.
> Hi John,
> On my lappy, I had to do this:
> 1. Open Control Center (run "kcontrol")
> 2. Expand the "Power Control" branch and select "Laptop Battery".
> 3. On the "Battery" tab, select "Show battery monitor"
> 4. Click "Apply".
> You should see a battery status icon in the system tray :) While you're in
> the power/battery config, have a look at the other tabs for ACPI setup and
> low battery notifications etc. FWIW, I can't use Standby or Hibernate on
> my HP nc6230 as the ATi video driver barfs and leaves me with a blank
> screen both in X/KDE and on the console (The binary "fglrx" driver, not the
> GPL'ed "ati" driver that is) .
> Cheers,
> James
Two things: first, I just ran klaptop_acpi_helper and klaptop_check on
my laptop and rebooted leaving the both running. Not sure what it did,
but I've had it working ever since.
Second, try upgrading the fglrx driver. The 8.18 and higer series of
drivers corrected the hibernate/standby garble that you mention. I had
the same problem.
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