Save As Dialog

Liz Young liz at
Tue Dec 13 03:11:16 UTC 2005

Hi Andy,

On Monday 12 December 2005 06:23 pm, Andy Choens wrote:
> This may be a really dumb question, but is system places part of the
> Gnome Menu, because I'm using KDE, and installing GNOME just to change
> this seems like over-kill. 

This is for KDE (Kubuntu) Breezy.  I am running KDE 3.4.3, but it shouldn't 

> I don't have a  Systems Places anywhere 
> that I can find in my KDE.  I have K-->System Settings, etc. but I
> can't find paths anywhere.

What icon do you have directly to the right of the K menu?
No matter, from the K -->System Settings you should see a System 
Administration icon, and from there the Paths icon.

Can't remember if it works on earlier versions, but you can also get there by 
typing in Konqi's Location bar:
and choose Paths.

> Any suggestions on where I point my mouse?  Or, if someone can direct
> me to the correct file, I'll edit by hand.

I have ~/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals with this section:

but using the settings:/ menu is a lot easier.

> On 12/12/05, Liz Young <liz at> wrote:
> > On Sunday 11 December 2005 11:57 am, Andy Choens wrote:
> > > How do I make the Save As and Open Dialog default to ~/Documents
> > > instead of ~?  I really would prefer to use Documents for my stuff and
> > > leave ~ for my digikam folder, my music folder for amarok, etc.
> >
> > The Documents path is in System Places - Settings - System Administration
> > - Paths.  Works for KDE apps only.

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