KDE panel crashes

Pascal Klein 4pascal at tpg.com.au
Tue Dec 13 01:37:06 UTC 2005

On Tuesday 13 December 2005 03:23, Jeyson D. Polanco wrote:
> Hi  every
> mi KDE Panel goes crash regulary. I use KDE 3.4.2 and do not found any
> reason to it. Any here have the same situtation? how can i launch manually
> the panel again?
> thanks

I'm running KDE 3.5.0 and for a few times when I logged out, the panel 
(kicker) crashed, but it seems to be working like a charm now.

If you kicker (the panel) crashes just press ALT + F2 to bring up the run 
command dialog and enter "kicker". Ought to do the trick. :)

Pascal Klein

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