multiple hard drive

Jamon Camisso jamon.camisso at
Fri Dec 9 14:04:55 UTC 2005

Grub is (I take it) only installed on your 10gb drive. Windows by nature does 
not look for other bootloaders on other MBRs. It will find other Windows 
installations, just not anything else.

  Putting your small drive first in the boot sequence will allow you to boot 
either of your other windows installations but not vice versa. The only other 
way would be to install grub on the MBR of your primary (SATA) drive, but you 
wouldn't want to mess with Windows on it just *yet* ;) If you don't have the 
choice to boot windows, you'll have to edit (a few simple lines) your 
/boot/grub/menu.lst file to include options for windows.

Jamon Camisso

adel wollemas wrote:
> I am totally new to Linux and Ubuntu. But guess what, my first 
> installation went smoothly and I am even writing this email from Ubuntu.
> My problem is that I have three hard drives: 1. Maxtor SATA drive 80 GB. 
> running Winxp professional. 2. Western Digital standard ide 40 GB 
> running Windows 2000 professional. 3. Last but not the least is Maxtor 
> standard ide 10 GB running UBUNTU.
> The only way I can boot UBUNTU is if I set it as the first choice on the 
> boot sequence in Bios. If it is not the first choice, then I get the 
> option of winxp or win2k. My guess is that grub is not seeing the other 
> two os. Can somebody help me?
> Thanks for your help
> Adel
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