Installed Kubuntu-5.10 on VMware, questions/problems

Christopher J. Bottaro cjbottaro at
Mon Dec 5 23:58:04 UTC 2005

I'm a long time Redhat/Fedora user who loves KDE, so I decided to try
Kubuntu.  I installed it on VMware and everything went fine, but now I have
a few questions and problems.

1)  What repositories should I be using?  Are the default ones supplied by
the installer ok?  I'm a yum user, apt is new to me, what config files
should I be looking at?

2)  I installed Firefox using the command 'apt-get install firefox', but it
looked like it installed an Ubuntu specific build because the default
homepage refers to /usr/share/ubuntu/something.

3)  This is my major problem.  All the fonts are tiny!  My xorg.conf file
uses 1920x1200, but in KDE I clicked 'Configure Desktop', 'Display' tab,
and changed my resolution to 1024x768 so it would better fit in my VMware
window.  That shouldn't have anything to do with it, right?  I tried
increasing my font sizes, but I feel that this is a cheap hack workaround. 
Also, it doesn't completely fix the problem because there are still some
fonts that are too small to read (for example, in System Settings -> System

4)  This is my other main problem.  The font chooser widget isn't giving me
the fonts I like.  I really dislike the font choices for fixed width fonts,
and I use Konsole a lot.

Thanks for the help!

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