Partitioning/dual-boot question

guido dom guido.dom at
Sat Dec 3 08:45:40 UTC 2005

I had a similar problem with ACRONIS IMAGE
When using the SECURE PARTITION (installed by ACRONIS), the MBR was
overwritten and my XANDROS Linux could not be started anymore.

2005/12/2, Ray Miller <millerr at>:
> >> Partition it with windows first, either fdisk or something like
> partition
> magic. I'd go for 110G windows and 10G fat 32 if win2k uses ntfs (not sure
> there) and leave the rest unpartiioned since win2k doesn't see it anyway.
> Install windows and then kubuntu using the unused disk space option. The
> idea of the 10G fat 32 is so that both OS's can share it without the ntfs
> being a pain since both windows and kubuntu can happily rw to it. <<
> This is similar to how I configured my notebook computer. I utilized the
> Paragon partition manager (installs in windows) to resize the NTFS
> partition
> and as a boot manager. A four gig fat32 partition was then created in
> windows and then configured to mount as /windows in Kubuntu during
> installation. Additionally, Paragon allows one to hide the NTFS partition
> from Kubuntu and the Kubuntu partitions from Windows.
> Caveat: If you utilize a 3rd party boot manager such as Paragon, do NOT
> allow Kubuntu to load grub or lilo on the MBR; should install to the /boot
> partition (which should be flagged as bootable)
> Hope this helps.
> Ray
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Nog een mooie dag toegewenst.

Guido (Dom)
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