question about QA'ing 19.04

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at
Sat Nov 24 05:44:56 UTC 2018

On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 9:38 AM charlie <home at> wrote:

> I'm in the middle of testing 19.04 and I found the list of mandatory tasks
> on and when testing, say the live session, which is
> what I'm testing at the moment, do I need to actually need to perform a
> task with each of the programs such as opening a pdf file in okular, a
> photo with qwenview and/or send and receive emails with kontact/kmail? This
> is the first time I've realized there were actual tasks to do for QA other
> than just installing the iso and just using as normal and reporting bugs if
> and when they occur. This QA list of tasks is really helpful with me
> getting better at doing QA like I'm supposed to.
> Charlie Luna

Very cool that you are testing Disco. I love it. I would welcome
suggestions for improving that list of tasks or the descriptions of
testing. I inherited it and haven't brought it up-to-date. The more
thorough the early testing, the more time we have to get bugs fixed, so
please test as much as possible, and report findings and bug reports there
on the QA site.

Thanks again!

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