Drop PIM from the iso (default install)

Clive Johnston clivejo at kubuntu.org
Fri Sep 15 12:52:04 UTC 2017

I know this is not going to be a popular subject for some, but I feel it
does need debated.  I would like to propose dropping PIM (all of it) from
the iso (Kubuntu install medium)

Here are my reasons for doing so:

1) PIM is a system resource hog - It starts services in the background
which lead to longer waiting times to actually boot into your desktop.  We
tried to disable a lot of these services from auto-starting in Zesty and
found that our default install footprint (memory and speed getting to
desktop) was greatly reduced.

2) Majority of people don't actually use it - I am definitely in the
minority of Kubuntu users who actually do use PIM features, and I love it.
However, most users do not use it but are having it installed by default.
This means that they will then have to keep it updated, unless they
physically remove it.

3) iso size - PIM is a bit of a beast and is quite big size wise (when you
consider all the dependencies).  Dropping it off the iso would make the
total iso size smaller and will also make installation a bit quicker as
hundreds of extra packages won't have to be installed.

4) Upgrade overhead - Every-time a Kubuntu user does an upgrade, PIM will
need to be upgraded too.  For those on slower internet connections (like
myself) this can be slow and frustrating.  This is even more annoying if
you don't even use the PIM suite!

5) KDE neon don't install it by default - The official KDE distribution
don't install it by default.  Probably due to the resource hogging as
described above.

6) Any part of the suite can easily be installed via Discover, Muon or
Konsole by those who actually do want it.  In my opinion opting in is more
in line with Freedoms of open source software rather than opting out (just
personal opinion).

I'm interested in other opinions and a debate on the issue, so please reply
to this thread.

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