Linode sponsorship

Clive Johnston clivejo at
Wed Oct 4 11:55:56 UTC 2017

Hi folks,

Last night we had a hiccup with one of the Kubuntu Continuous Integration
(KCI) slaves (linode-01), which reminded me to mention this.

With all the excitement surrounding the Kubuntu Council elections and
getting ready to release Kubuntu 17.10, we seem to have overlooked the fact
the server used for packaging work and also KCI provided by Linode has
actually expired (We received sponsorship via Aaron Honeycutt).

To avail of this sponsorship, someone had to provide credit card details in
order to setup an account.  Phillip (yofel) kindly agreed to this in order
to get the services online as soon as possible.  However, since the
sponsorship has lapsed, I believe that the full fee is now being charged to
Philip's card and wanted to bring this to the attention of the Kubuntu

We receive donations via our website and have a healthy sum in the bank,
therefore I propose that Phillip is refunded any expenses he has incurred
by this act of kindness.  I would also like the KC to approach Linode about
further sponsorship, if possible in order to keep the services we have or
even a reduced rate paid from the Kubuntu fund directly.

Can someone look into this as soon as possible please?

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