Kubuntu Automation 2.0 released

José Manuel Santamaría Lema panfaust at gmail.com
Wed Jun 7 00:04:06 UTC 2017

Hi Valorie,

> Thanks for all your work on this, Santa. It's nice to see it paying
> off now, big-time! I have a question about the PPA mentioned on the
> above link. Is this an "everything and the kitchen sink" type PPA for
> testing now? Or to be used in advance of moving the packages to
> -testing and -landing and then to updates and/or backports? 

That PPA is meant to provide the stable versions of our packaging development 
tools. So it's not meant to be used as a testing PPA, but as a 'production' 
thing. At the moment there's also a few library backports to make sure that 
these tools work correctly (such as launchpadlib).

That being said, the idea is having something that we, the packagers, can 
easily add to our development machines to do the packaging work. Since the 
packages provided in the dev-tools PPA are only useful for package developers 
the idea is just keeping that PPA as a 'private' thing for us, and keep the 
packages just there.


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