Hi, I'm new here (and also Canonical's new point of contact on the KDE advisory board)
Valorie Zimmerman
valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com
Mon Jul 10 20:35:15 UTC 2017
On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 11:13 AM, Gerry Boland
<gerry.boland at canonical.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I need to introduce myself as I'm new to this community: I'm Gerry, from
> Ireland, and have been an engineer with Canonical for over 5 years now.
> I started out on the Unity2d desktop at first (Qt4 + QML1), before
> moving to start the Ubuntu phone project, first on its UI toolkit, then
> moving to working on Unity8 and Mir (Qt5 & QML2).
> Now that Unity is no more, I'm happy to say I'm back to using KDE as my
> desktop again - which I was using long before I joined Canonical. I've
> Qt deep in my soul at this stage too.
> I've volunteered to be a helping hand to this community in any way I
> can. If you need someone inside Canonical to do something for you, from
> sponsoring packages to bug digging, please contact me and I'll help, or
> get the right person to help.
> I'm also Canonical's Point of Contact on KDE's Advisory Board. I'm not
> sure what that entails yet, but I'm attending Akademy in a few weeks so
> should to learn what I can do to help. I hope to meet some of you folk
> there too!
> To get in touch with me, you can
> - just email me: gerry.boland at canonical.com
> - ping me on IRC: "greyback" is my nick, I'll be lurking on #kubuntu-devel
> Are there other places I should hang out? Other IRC channels,
> Slack/Telegram groups, etc?
> Thanks for your attention, and looking forward to helping out!
> Cheers
> -Gerry
Hey Gerry, lovely to see you here.
We've been working on some technical documentation on the Phabricator
wiki, just to give it a spin. So far, the platform is working for us,
as Ubuntu's wiki has been too flaky to use for awhile. While you are
getting acquainted, you might give it a look and tweek it if you see
something that needs changing, or raise some questions if we've left
things unclear. You'll need a KDE identity (http://identity.kde.org)
to login to Phab.
See you in IRC!
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