Kubuntu required package-set updates for Zesty (17.04)

Rik Mills rikmills at kubuntu.org
Thu Feb 2 10:37:36 UTC 2017

I have been asking on #ubuntu-release on IRC for the past week with no
luck, but have asked again this morning.

I know the archive admins are busy and maybe short on numbers.


[09:50] <acheronuk> Hi. Can someone please review and accept our sources
in the NEW queue please? they are needed before we can our packageset
refresh done.
[09:50] <acheronuk> namely minuet, konqueror, kommander, klinkstatus,
kimagemapeditor,kfind, kfilereplace, keditbookmarks, kdialog
[09:50] <acheronuk> thanks
[09:51] <acheronuk> most of those are actually OLD packages, but KDE
have now split the sources
[10:17] <acheronuk> .
[10:19] <acheronuk> minuet is part of the full KDE applications 16.04.0
release that we were unable to get into yakkety, due to not have some
build depends for it in the archive
[10:19] <acheronuk> see:
[10:20] <acheronuk> in 16.12 KDE app we are now doing...
[10:20] <acheronuk> kde-baseapps (split into kdialog, keditbookmarks,
kfind, konqueror)
[10:20] <acheronuk> kdewebdev (split into kfilereplace, kimagemapeditor,
klinkstatus, kommander)
[10:21] <acheronuk> hence these are nothing new per se. just split and
some ported to KF5
[10:21] <acheronuk> see:
[10:23] <acheronuk> .
[10:24] <acheronuk> also ref Lukasz Zemczak needing those sources accept
before he can do our refresh
[10:24] <acheronuk> see:

On 02/02/17 09:37, Lukasz Zemczak wrote:
> Hello Clive,
> I can take care of this request but I'd first need those packages
> landing in the archive. Please try reaching out to an active archive
> admin to perform NEW reviews of those and accept them to Ubuntu.
> Cheers,
> On 2 February 2017 at 00:57, Clive Johnston <clivejo at kubuntu.org> wrote:
>> I would like to request that the Kubuntu package-set is refreshed and
>> updated for Zesty.
>> We have new sources in our supported releases of KDE Frameworks, KDE
>> Applications and Plasma 5 desktop suite. In addition some other new sources
>> from KDE and support libraries. Many are a result of KDE splitting larger
>> source repositories that built multiple apps or components into their
>> smaller constituent parts.
>> These have been added to our supported seed, so I would like to request that
>> the script to generate and add these to our package-set is run.
>> Some of these have been uploaded already to zesty by MOTU sponsor, but are
>> currently in the zesty new queue waiting to be checked by archive admins. I
>> would be grateful if you could check once the script has run that these have
>> been added, as I am unsure if they will get picked up while in the 'new'
>> queue. Please find below the packages in the NEW queue:
>> Source names:
>> minuet
>> konqueror
>> kommander
>> klinkstatus
>> kimagemapeditor
>> kfind
>> kfilereplace
>> keditbookmarks
>> kdialog
>> Many thanks,
>> Kubuntu Development Team
>> --
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