Kdenlive packaging for Xenial

Vincent Pinon vpinon at kde.org
Thu Mar 31 22:25:47 UTC 2016


Kdenlive version for Xenial is still 15.12.1; I guess it wouldn't be a problem to upgrade to 15.12.3...
However we have never received as much testing as during last weeks, and 16.04 beta (16.03.80) is already much better than the officially stable release.

We have packages on our PPA (kdenlive/kdenlive-testing, updated daily), they also have packaging fixes (dependencies missing on non-KDE desktops).
My question is: is it still possible to get Kdenlive 16.04 into Xenial? (on #kubuntu-devel, I have been told about PPA sponsoring...)
I would like to avoid disappointing LTS/Mint/... users during 2+ years, for issues we have already solved :-\

Thanks for your work anyway, Xenial is already a joy to use!


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